The sun emits all different wavelengths of light. The underwater world absorbs this light. Inside this spectrum is the fluorescent spectrum between 20-100nm. This is the image that we see in Fluoro Photography.
Fluorescent photography is accomplished by using Blue Lights to illuminate the subject, along with a Yellow Dichroic Filter on the camera lens. This allows for only these wavelengths to be seen. (You will also need a dichroic yellow filter in front of your eyes to allow your eye to see the same changes).
Blue Light is harmless to sea life since they are living in "blue light" their whole lives.
When these wavelengths are reflected back to the camera lens (or our eye) it allows us to see the underwater world unfold in a "new light"
If you would like to learn more about Underwater Fluorescence or purchase your own Fluoro photo equipment please visit FireDiveGear.
Photos taken with Sport Diver housing holding an iPhone 11&13 ProMax with dual light tray using two 50watt Torches containing 36 455nm blue LEDs with dichroic front lens. (Also used was the Sola NightSea 8watt LEDs and the Sola Photo 1200 using the red LEDs.)
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